Final Year Project

I tried my hand at coding some Easter Tables of the past, as part of my Final Year Project. Below you can find an interactive webapp for some of them. These tables were historically meant to define the date of Easter, but have since depreciated, as a result of the switch from using the Julian Calendar, to the Gregorian Calendar in 1582. Below, you can find a recreation of the calculation’s that Dionysius Exiguus used to create his Easter Table, which went on to define the calculation of Easter in the Julian Calendar to this day.

Also included is Carl Fredrich Gauss’ Easter Algorithm, which can be used to determine Easter in both the Julian & Gregorian Calendar terms.

Finally, I modeled a formula to calculate the date of Easter from the Irish Latercus Easter table. Further info on the Latercus Table can be found at a later date, but a webapp can be found below.

Dionysius’ Easter Calcuator
Gauss’ Easter Calculator
Latercus Easter Calculator

Django Webapp

I developed a small webapp for my CS424 Object Oriented Internet Programming module in the final year of my Degree. This was a webapp developed in Django, designed as a showcase of the principles and important features of website development, as well as the Django app. It was designed to try and follow a RESTful design philosophy. There is a simple dynamic database. There are simple users, and a ‘SousChef’ object assigned to a user, an object that can only be edited by the assigned user. There is also some simple CSS.

You can find the website on my pythonanywhere account here. Please view the source code on my GitHub page if you’re curious of it’s workings.

JavaScript Development

I have done some micro projects in JavaScript as part of an E-Learning course. These can be found here, and have varying levels of interactivity.

Typing Test
Analogue Clock

Python Image Processing

Below you can find a sample of some image processing and animation I generated following an online Python Efficiency course. Code used to generate these images can be found in my PythonEfficiency repo here.