Below is a web copy of my CV, updated as of 8/5/19. Any examples of my code can be found on my GitHub account.


National University of Ireland, Galway

Bachelor of Science – Computing & Mathematical Studies (Joint Honours) – 2:1

September 2015 – May 2019

  • Object Oriented Programming (4 years of Python & 3 years of Java)
  • Internet Programming (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Django)
  • Machine Learning & Data Mining
  • Graphic Design
  • Image Processing
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Numerical Analysis (Octave/MATLAB)
  • Algorithms & Scientific Computing
  • Networks & Data Communication
  • Cryptography
  • Human Computing Interactions
  • Programming Paradigms
  • Linear Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Geometric Data Analysis
Final Year Project:

A study of Computus, the mathematical calculation of the date of Easter. Includes a webapp development you can find here. Further information on the apps developed will be found here. A full write-up/report on the project can be found here.

Work Experience



December 2017 – Currently

My role involves supervising and maintaining various technical aspects of a gaming convention. I supervise the setup of the games consoles across the convention, ensuring that the consoles are connected to the internet as needed, and can run the games required. I manage the live stage at the convention, which involves managing the schedule making sure the special guests are on stage at the right time, and handling all technological needs of the stage.

Marketing Executive

June 2017 – December 2017

My role largely involved maintaining a vibrant social media presence for a gaming convention. I was required to engage potential attendees of the convention with appropriate posts to the convention’s Twitter and Facebook pages. I provided advice and input to the manager of the convention for what might best engage the attendees. I provided a ‘live-tweeting’ service for the duration of the convention, taking photos of the event to upload on Twitter.

National University of Ireland, Galway

Teaching Assistant

January 2019 – May 2019

Providing one-to-one assistance to First Year Computer Science students in their Python programming assignments, in a lab environment. Correcting & providing feedback on their submitted assignments, which affected their final grade for their module.

Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching – Student Intern

May 2016 – September 2016

Working closely with the staff of the Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching to produce online content in Articulate to improve Digital Literacy skills. Website developmentusing HTML, CSS & WordPress. Creation of a promotional video for the Digital Champions project using the Adobe Creative Suite.

Digital Champion / Marketing Intern

April 2016 – May 2019

Maintaining an active Twitter presence during a myriad of events held by the University, including Conferences, Talks, & Open Days. Taking photos of events, uploading them to Twitter and adding relevant captions to the pictures.



4 years of experience in Object-Oriented Programming (Python & Java), achieving a 1st Class Honours in most Programming class to date. Explored Programming Paradigms such as Imperative & Functional. Various class projects throughout the years include an implementation of Huffman Coding (In C++), the CART Machine Learning algorithm (In Python), and developing my own historical Easter calculators (In JavaScript). Proficiency in Website Development using WordPress, HTML, CSS, JS & the python package Django, as well as some experience in the Java Play Framework. Proficiency in the use of Linux, mainly through the Fedora distro.

Leadership, Interpersonal, & Communication

Exemplary Interpersonal & Communicational skills developed through 3 years of managing Social Media accounts, being required to adapt my style of communication to adhere to the event’s audience. Leadership, Communicational & Interpersonal skills all developed through my Class Representative role in Computer Science, & through the positions held on the Computer Society, having to delegate tasks to other members of the society.

Organisational & Planning

Skills developed & refined over managing Social Media accounts for various companies & groups, managing a busy schedule over university career, maintaining a Live Stage at a Gaming Convention, with a rotating cast, throughout multiple instances, keeping track of receipts and payments during my time as a Treasurer, planning future Computer Society events as an Auditor.


  • Improving my cooking skills
  • Exploring new music artists
  • Developing this website
  • Maintaining my personal blog
  • Sculptor of the Virtual Galleria


  • NUI Galway ‘explore’ award for innovation, 2016 – For my contribution as the Student Lead to the ‘Digital Champions’ project.
  • NUI Galway ALIVE Certificate, 2016 – For my contribution to the National University of Ireland, Galway’s Computer Society as the Treasurer.


To prevent unwanted email spam to my referees, I’ve omitted the references. Please get in contact with me if you wish to ask for my references, or find them on the PDF version of my CV.