Graphic Design

A poster I designed on the Irish Homelessness Crisis. Data is accurate as of March 2018, when the poster was originally designed. The poster was part of my final presentation of my Graphic Design class, in which I achieved an A. This poster is also a supplement to an infomercial created in tandem.


As part of a Digital Art project, I have developed some scenes and models using the X3D mark up language. Below you can find a sample of my work in browser. This work was created in Blender, with fixes and small edits made by hand in x3d.

You can interact with these scenes using your mouse. Left clicking and dragging pans the scene, right clicking and dragging zooms the scene. To reset, just hit ‘R’ on your keyboard.

Final Year Project

As part of my Bachelors degree in the National University of Ireland, Galway, in my final year, I undertook a project appropriate to my degree. Doing a joint honours in Mathematical Studies and Computer Science, I decided to take a look at Computus, the historical calculation of the date of Easter. Being a historically-based topic, there was a lot of room to approach it from a mathematical and technological perspective. Below you can find a write-up of my project, detailing how I developed the calculators you can find here or here.


CART Algorithm Implementation

For my Machine Learning & Data Mining module in my final year of my degree, I was asked to look at one Machine Learning algorithm, and implement it from scratch in a language of my choice. I decided on the Classification and Regression Tree algorithm, implemented from scratch in Python. Below you can find a write up, which includes an introduction to the algorithm, as well as my thought process for how to implement it.
